5 data migration mistakes that should be avoided

5 data migration mistakes that should be avoided

Data migration is a challenging process, which can interfere with the smooth production of a company. Changing the environment in which data will be allocated is a process that requires the creation of solid strategies, so that it can be carried out fluidly, without errors and rework, after all, migration is carried out to optimize productivity, not to delay processes.

The problem is that many companies only discover the need to migrate environments when the situation is critical and end up in a complicated situation, without the ability to plan and evaluate environments and suppliers. Therefore, so that your company can have all the benefits of good data migration, in this post, we present 5 mistakes that you should not make in this process. Check out!

1. Not giving due importance to backup

A mistake that can greatly harm the company when migrating is not adopting a backup plan. Having a backup copy of company data is essential for disaster prevention and productivity, after all, the backup protects the implementation of a quick disaster recovery plan.

Trying to recover data after problems occur can be very costly, both in terms of the recovery itself, and the damage that this loss could bring, with important data that will be lost and likely legislative sanctions.

Therefore, before carrying out the migration, create a backup plan, stipulating a periodicity for copies of the data to be created, ensuring that there is the least possible loss in the event of accidents. automate processes using a management system and ensure that IT support monitors processes.

After creating the backup, you will be able to correct errors and return the data to its original state, accelerating the normalization of the company’s productivity and reducing possible losses.

2. Migrate disorganized data

Data duplication can hinder productivity, interfere with the functioning of tools, and impair the analysis of information and the creation of insights. Therefore, it is extremely important that, before migrating data, the data is cleaned. This prevents employees from making mistakes due to inconsistencies in data, or from the system functioning inappropriately.

For example, when the manager uses data analysis tools to evaluate metrics, and indicators and generate insights for decision-making, with organized data, he will have more reliable information in his hands on the real needs of the company, the customers, and the market.

3. Not valuing good practices

Many professionals, especially older ones who already work automatically in some processes, may consider the appropriate routines — that are created for migration — slow and bureaucratic, and end up following their processes. The big issue, in this scenario, is that companies need to create these good practices based on solid arguments, to increase efficiency and reduce errors.

When employees take this risk of working their way, they may end up creating data discrepancy problems, reducing the company’s ability to find solutions. Therefore, when migrating data, follow pre-established good practices, even if it may take a little work at the beginning. Don’t let your “time savings” cost you dearly in the future.

4. Not having criteria when choosing a supplier

A mistake that has to do with a lack of planning and a certain rush on the part of some managers is not understanding the importance of the supplier for the migration. You must understand that the server provider where you will enter your data is a commercial partner, who will work together with you for the success of your business.

Therefore, hiring this company should be seen as if you were hiring someone to work with your company, with an analysis of objective criteria. What are their differences? What do they have to offer? What is the customer base? What are the references? Ask questions and evaluate whether it’s worth it to just close with the company.

Understand that the chosen partner will store your data, provide support, and may even take care of the migration process, depending on the plan and services they offer. Furthermore, check if they provide the ideal environment for your demand — which could be a cloud server, dedicated server, shared server, etc.

5. Not planning properly

Migrating all the data at once, without criteria, is a mistake that can cost the corporation dearly. As much as the process may seem bureaucratic and complicated, planning data migration is essential. Only in this way will it be possible to ensure that the company does not lose confidential information essential for productivity.

Furthermore, when dealing with a variety of data, the company, if it carries out an unplanned migration, runs the risk of being penalized. This is because, when dealing with its customers’ data, the corporation is under the surveillance of the LGPD — General Data Protection Law. In this scenario, protecting the integrity of customer information is paramount.

To carry out this planning, analyze which data will be migrated and which can be maintained in the current environment. Furthermore, calculate the volume of data and see if it needs to be corrected at the source or if it can be corrected in the migration process — removing corrupted, duplicated, incongruous data, etc.

Another important point in this process is the definition of the contingency plan that will be applied and the procedure was partially completed, in addition to the test cycles. All of this, together, will guarantee the success of the migration.

As we have seen, the mistakes that companies make about data migration are almost always linked to a lack of planning and a failure to understand the importance of data security processes. When a company decides to migrate its data from one environment to another, it is looking for more resources and better conditions. Don’t let this moment of your company’s evolution be ruined by a lack of commitment.

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