A dedicated server can increase revenue: Understand how

A dedicated server can increase revenue: Understand how

Increase revenue

A dedicated server is used exclusively by a company to host corporate systems, web applications, etc. This specificity offers much more autonomy for the manager to create the necessary strategies in search of more security, performance, and a better experience for users, which consequently increases the business’s revenue.

This happens because we are talking about a machine that delivers much more performance, allows greater control, and offers more agility than a shared server. This all makes dedicated servers an ideal environment for e-commerce and other portals with a large number of accesses.

Furthermore, they enable the user to develop measures such as configuring a dedicated firewall, creating databases, backups, etc. In this post, we will show you how a dedicated server helps increase revenue and also give tips for choosing a good plan. Continue reading and check it out!

How do dedicated servers help to increase revenue?

To help you understand the potential of a dedicated server, we will present some of its main benefits below. Follow along!

Prevents loss of customers due to poor performance

The dedicated server favors the good performance of software and websites, as it is an exclusive solution. In this scenario, traffic tends to be lower compared to the shared environment.

With users increasingly demanding and impatient, having an application that offers fast loading and fluid navigation can be what sets your company apart. The more visitors, the greater the chances of conversion and positive ROI. The result is increased revenue.

Contributes to better ranking in search engines

By contributing considerably to improving the development of websites and systems, the dedicated server also helps the web application gain points in the search engine rankings. A faster website attracts and retains more visitors, which results in better rankings.

Delivers greater scalability

The manager has full control over the hosting environment, with the freedom to make customizations — installing scripts and plugins as needed —, unlike what happens with shared hosting, which does not offer as much flexibility to users.

For businesses that have peaks in requests during seasonal periods, such as Christmas, Black Friday, back to school, Easter, etc., the dedicated server contributes to scalability, allowing companies to respond quickly to market demands and enhancing the capacity of conversions.

Gives more autonomy

Another benefit of dedicated servers that contributes to increased revenue is the autonomy they provide to developers, who can work more strategically on issues such as database management, creating more efficient and less costly alternatives, without being tied to a shared solution.

Offers greater security

Information security problems can cause enormous losses to businesses, after all, data is an increasingly valuable asset. By using dedicated servers, users can customize their security solutions according to demand. He will be able to adopt practical measures such as installing antivirus, and firewalls, and creating data encryption systems, among others.

Thus, the professional has the possibility of developing systems, policies, and strategies according to the company’s main vulnerabilities and points of attention. On a shared server, no matter how good the provider is, the user has no control over the security solutions. Depending on the situation, a serious problem with one user could leave the entire server vulnerable.

How to identify the best-dedicated server plans?

Now that we know the benefits of dedicated servers for increasing a business’s revenue, we emphasize that choosing a good provider will make all the difference in achieving this result. See below for some tips to make the right decision.

Take advantage of the experience of other companies in the same sector

The best way to find out if a service can meet demand is to seek feedback from companies of the same size and sector as you. This way, you will have a base of the plan they use and can receive information about the provider they contracted.

Don’t choose the first option

I know that everyday life is increasingly busy, but some issues are worth the time spent, such as choosing a good hosting provider. We are talking about a company that will be your partner, that will provide all the support for you to put your business online. Would you choose a partner over the first option? Probably not. Why doesn’t choosing a supplier deserve the same attention?

With businesses immersed in digital transformation, the demand for hosting on the most varied server models only grows. The consequence is an exponential increase in the number of suppliers and, as we know, quantity is not always quality. Therefore, it is important to understand this process as a refined search, which in the end will be worth it, as you will not need to change providers anytime soon.

Focus on support and service

There is no point in choosing an excellent dedicated server plan if the provider’s support is of poor quality. We are talking about your business’s website or system, which must be fully operational when the customer searches for it.

Being left without support at critical moments can be costly and, as we know, problems don’t arrive by appointment. You are the one who will manage the server and having technical support ready to resolve any issue will make your life much easier.

As we have seen, a server can contribute greatly to increasing revenue, as it combines versatility, scalability, and security. For all this to be possible, the choice of provider must be careful and focused on quality of service and support. Namecheap is prepared to deliver the best service, with plans for all demands and a first-rate data center.

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