Answer your main questions about cloud server

Answer your main questions about cloud server

With a powerful infrastructure that can be physical, virtual, or a combination of both, a cloud server allows users to process high workloads and store large volumes of information.

According to  Technopedia, there are two types of cloud servers: logical and physical. The first is delivered through server virtualization, a process in which a physical server is logically distributed into two or more logical servers, each of which has its operating system, although they share the same components (hardware).

The second is delivered completely, which is why it is also known as a dedicated cloud server. In other words, in this model, all the hardware is used for just one user.

Either way, this article was prepared to answer the main questions regarding a cloud server. The reading is interesting and deserves your full attention. Enjoy!

What are the differences between a cloud server and an on-premises server?

A  cloud server is a set of machines acting together, but appearing to be just one. This way, instead of having to buy equipment and allocate it to your company, you hire it as a service.

This, in turn, will provide several machines in the “cloud” that are suitable for the demands of your business — it is known as IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service).

Because it is structured this way, a cloud server offers fewer downtime risks and greater availability. If a failure — or problem — occurs on one of these machines, the others will take over the load, meaning that your websites and/or applications are not at risk of going offline.

Data and documents saved in the cloud are hosted on several servers around the planet. Generally, they are divided into smaller files to be distributed across this network, thus increasing information security  — if a hacker invades a server, they will only have access to a small part of the data.

On the other hand, a local server is located in the organization itself and can be used for the most different purposes allowing full control over its configurations.

When talking about this solution, one cannot forget to say that the machine will be dedicated exclusively to your needs. This particularity is what makes local servers a great choice for any type of company that processes and needs to store large volumes of data.

However, it is important to be aware that, when opting for a local server, you will need to form an internal team to manage it. The difficulty, given this, is that the demands involved in the management and maintenance of technologies (software and hardware) require specialized professionals.

Not enough, the space where the equipment will be housed must have its physical and environmental elements controlled. As an example, we can mention the obligation to keep it refrigerated (to avoid heating the systems) and guarantee its safety (only authorized people will be able to access it).

Another issue to highlight is the fact that local servers tend to generate a series of setbacks, become obsolete over time, and end up becoming a source of constant concern.

This is because, in the event of outages, all the systems “powered” by them simply stop working, since there is no one to turn to. Among the main reasons behind this problem are the lack of qualified professionals and the reduced useful life of equipment.

In short, the costs and headaches involved in its management/maintenance are not worth it in the long term, unlike cloud servers, as they will require practically no care from users.

What are the types of clouds?

When we talk about cloud computing, for many laypeople, it can give the impression that it is a single solution. However, cloud computing differs in its types of implementation, which can be public, private, or hybrid. See below how each one works.

Public cloud

The public cloud is one managed by a provider, which is responsible for managing the structure. These providers offer plans for cloud computing resources, servers, and storage.

In this model, the management of software, hardware, support, and updates is the responsibility of the company providing the services. The contractor has access to its resources through an internet browser.

Private Cloud

A private cloud belongs exclusively to a company and can be located in a  local or remote data center. All cloud computing resources and infrastructure services are managed by it and maintained on a private network. Some providers offer cloud computing services so that corporations can host their private clouds and have full control over them.

Hybrid Cloud

The hybrid cloud, as its name suggests, is one in which there is a combination of public and private, linked by a technology that allows data and applications to be shared between them. It is a model widely used by larger companies, which have a good IT infrastructure and a qualified team.

Thus, these companies gain flexibility and more deployment options, optimizing internal infrastructure, and increasing security and system availability, without losing internal capacity.

It is a way to expand the existing infrastructure, without having to invest heavily in equipment and personnel. It is also an opportunity for companies to begin their migration to the cloud gradually.

What are the advantages of cloud servers?

In addition to the benefit of not having to worry about managing machines, a cloud server also has some positive points, which will be discussed below.

Saving time and money

A cloud server will not require you to purchase hardware or install and configure software. All of this will be done by the hosting provider, helping you save time and money.


Scalability is also worth highlighting. By opting for a cloud server, you will be able to adapt it to the organization’s needs as you see fit, both up and down.

So, as the business grows, the solution will grow with it. If you need to reduce operations, simply ask the IaaS provider to reduce the load.

Enhanced security

We all know that information security is a top priority for  IT teams. With a cloud server, it will be reinforced, as cloud platforms have advanced protection features, data encryption, and routine backups.

Access from anywhere

No matter where you are, the data and applications housed on cloud servers can be accessed anywhere. Projects and work can be developed on different devices, as long as you have an Internet connection.

Guaranteed stability

Another important benefit is that a cloud server has its stability guaranteed. There is zero downtime, even during machine update and maintenance periods, not interrupting workflows in any situation.

Better performance

Cloud servers contribute to better performance and, consequently, good productivity. This is because cloud computing services run on a global network of servers, which use the latest versions of systems and hardware, ensuring greater speed and performance.

This leads to reduced latency and greater scaling savings, allowing you to eliminate bottlenecks when determining your infrastructure capacity need.

Companies that work with seasonality have two options: either they are at the limit, running the risk of the server crashing due to excessive requests, or with an idle structure for a good part of the year, generating costs without providing any return.

Cloud computing eliminates this need, as you can control all resources simply and according to your demands, maintaining fluid performance. It has more productive capacity, fewer expenses, and fewer worries.


Some companies change location from cycle to cycle, such as construction, for example. In this scenario, being stuck with a common server creates a series of unnecessary inconveniences and expenses.

This is because, by adopting a cloud server, the corporation will be able to access the system as if they were accessing the internet, in an uncomplicated way. Access to management systems and corporate data can be done from anywhere, with any device.

Of course, this requires a good security policy, with good access control, firewall, and use of VPNs, among other things. As access to the system is remote, it is necessary to have good control over who enters the server and how far each employee can go, according to their role.

From there, just enjoy the portability and productivity gains that this freedom will give to employees, who will be able to leave their workstations and have a greater ability to solve problems at any time.

And what are the disadvantages?

As far as disadvantages are concerned, most of them are a consequence not of the cloud server itself, but of bad contract formations or partnerships that deliver poor quality services.

Depending on any one provider is a big risk. When choosing a supplier, here’s a tip: give preference to those who are already recognized in the market for the reliability and efficiency of their deliveries.

What are the main opportunities that a cloud server delivers?

Many people are still worried about the security and performance of using cloud servers in their company. But you can no longer escape cloud computing, as this technology is one of the pillars of digital transformation and you certainly use it in your daily life.

From office hours, when you access your emails, edit documents, and hold conferences via Skype, to leisure time, when you watch your favorite films and series via Netflix, you are using cloud computing.

Not only can multinational mega-companies benefit from the advantages that the cloud offers, but many startups are currently developing thanks to cloud computing, and your company cannot stay out of this movement. Below are some examples of what a company can do when adopting a cloud server.

Develop applications and services

By choosing to use a cloud platform, you will be able to create, deploy, and scale applications quickly. With the scalability that the cloud offers, your company will have control over the resources, performance, and security necessary for your demands.

Focus on storage, backup, and recovery

Using the cloud is a more cost-effective way to protect your company’s data on a large scale. Data transfer will be done via the web, from any location or device, keeping corporate data always saved and centralized.

Analyze the data

Data analysis has become one of the bases for decision-making in companies, and cloud servers provide the opportunity for corporations to implement tools with artificial intelligence so that managers can obtain precious insights to guide management.

Stream audio and video

With the cloud, the company has the opportunity to communicate directly with its customers at any time and via any device, streaming video or audio. You can develop custom solutions for these services and host them in the cloud to serve the entire world.

Sell ​​on-demand software plans

A cloud server allows you to create an online business as SaaS — Software as a Service. You can meet a regional demand, identify opportunities, and create systems for companies in your region, or even create a global service.

In this post, we saw how using a cloud server can expand a company’s scope of action. This is because, by adopting this solution, the corporation has the opportunity to reduce costs, increase productivity, and consider other operating models, such as video streaming and the sale of software plans as a service.

If you want to know more and want to understand which service is best for your company,  see what types of servers to consider!


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