Check out the main steps on how to make a backup

Check out the main steps on how to make a backup

In times of digital transformation, one of the terms that is most used is backup and this is no coincidence. With companies increasingly dependent on data and the availability of their systems, it is extremely important to have mechanisms that guarantee the integrity of the IT infrastructure, such as backup, to keep the business productive.

A backup is nothing more than creating a backup copy of data. In this process, data is sent to one or more backup stores, which can be inside or outside the business. In the event of disasters, invasions, theft, or data hijacking, there is the possibility of recovering information and maintaining productivity.

Currently, the safest and most economical environment to maintain a backup is the cloud, due to its redundancy and scalability. In this post, we will understand how to make a backup plan and best practices. Check out!

What are the main benefits of backing up data in your company?

Before hiring a data backup service, it is essential to understand what benefits it offers. With this in mind, we have put together nine advantages of this technological resource. Check out.

Security for storing data

Having a secure digital environment is the biggest highlight of backup, as the system that carries out this activity contains a multitude of protocols capable of protecting the company’s systems from the main information security threats and human error.

The infrastructure of cloud storage providers, for example, has data centers in different locations around the world to store a robust and varied structure of servers. In other words, the information saved in these environments has high-level security layers, guaranteeing the efficiency of the service.


With backup, you make copies of data and make them available to all units and departments in your company. Furthermore, there is no need to worry about the volume of records, as this technology is capable of storing everything efficiently due to the concentration of information.

Furthermore, it is possible to access data anywhere or on any device, as long as the user has access to the login. This way, you or your team can travel and access files whenever you feel necessary.

Ease of data recovery

If unforeseen events occur — such as equipment failure or file hijacking — the backup restores the documents. The process runs automatically and allows the user to choose different versions of files, as the backup keeps all versions stored. This way, just select the one you want most and start the restoration.

Implementation of data access control

Commenting, sharing, and suggesting changes to work are common procedures, but not all users should perform them on any file. Corporate backup meets this demand through access control, sharing, and releasing edits only to professionals related to a task or sector. This type of “barrier” guarantees the confidentiality of information and prevents leaks that could harm the progress of activities and project management.

Possibility of expansion

Backup is used end-to-end, as it classifies and hierarchizes data from the beginning of the company. Thus, when the need to expand storage capacity arises, it is possible to contract a new plan automatically, avoiding bottlenecks and downtime that could compromise business performance.

Cost reduction

Compared to the costs of creating a data center and your server, cloud backup presents a tempting value for money. Several companies today operate with completely digital management, integrating not only backup but also other information security resources. Simply hire the most appropriate company and plan to ensure savings and efficiency.

Data loss prevention

Another highlight that should be mentioned is protection against loss of records and files. In addition to strict control over who accesses the server, the inclusion of multi-factor authentication (MFA) and security keys enhances barriers against intrusions and losses. For example, using MFA, the user enters a PIN code or fingerprint to securely gain access to data.

Speed ​​of implementation

Have you ever thought about the waste of time and money implementing physical backup equipment within the company? Yes, making backups in an internal data center can overload the IT team and employees who work on various activities in the company. Not to mention the risk of interrupting functions until related problems are resolved.

In this sense, cloud backup is implemented faster. To do this, simply choose a renowned supplier, evaluate the clauses of the SLA contract, and request the protection service. Everything can be done online and your team can continue working normally.

Use in different market areas

Finally, it is important to say that corporate backup is compatible with companies of different segments and sizes, without restrictions. From a small startup to a multinational, data management with digital resources is accessible, simplified, fast, and economical.

How to make a backup plan?

This involves many variables that depend on the size, segment, and objectives of each enterprise. However, some standard procedures will help you take the first steps toward creating a backup plan.

Define the importance of applications

There is a lot of confusion in this regard, as many managers believe that the entire backup definition should come from IT. However, the company must do this, after all, its productivity is at stake if the backup is unsuccessful. Therefore, some questions must be analyzed, such as:

  • which losses can negatively interfere with business;
  • what impact these losses would have;
  • what is the action plan in case of an incident?

A tool that allows the creation of an action plan is the BIA — Business Impact Analysis —, which defines the actions and protocol to be followed when the organization faces a disaster, always focusing on reducing of the impact.

In the BIA, all possible impacts are listed according to the processes mapped with the support of managers through interviews which will define the permitted interruption time, the damage to the brand image, and the financial impacts. In short, we can say that this analysis model is an important tool for ensuring business continuity.

Think about RTO and RPO

When it comes to data backup and recovery, two metrics stand out: RPO and RTO. See what each one means:

  • Recovery Time Objective: is the time that operations must take for the system to return to normal after a disaster;
  • Recovery Point Objective: is the amount of data that can be lost without affecting productivity, that is a tolerable loss limit.

It is important to keep in mind that the RPO defines the frequency of backups, after all, it is the metric that defines the data according to the relevance of each one. For example, if the backup is performed every day at 7  a.m. and one happens at 11  p.m., the RPO will be 48 hours.

What are good practices for backing up your company?

Now that we have a basis for the requirements needed to create a backup plan, it’s time to learn about the best practices for this process to be successful. See how to increase the chances of success in this recovery below.

Diversify storage

The purpose of backup is to recover data after a crisis, this means that being stuck with a single storage is also a risk. The more redundancy — copies on different drives — the better it will be to guarantee the integrity of the information.

A company that only maintains internal backup runs a huge risk. The idea is to keep a backup in the cloud, as most cloud computing providers work with redundant servers.

Create access policies

A practice that provides an extra layer of security for backup is access control. This is important to define access levels for employees according to each person’s needs.

It is necessary to define how far each person can go when accessing the system by defining traceable logins and passwords. This way, the most critical data is only accessed by duly authorized people.

Count on management software

These solutions facilitate all stages of a backup, as they centralize business data in a  database. Furthermore, there is the possibility of automating this process and reducing the possibility of forgetting. Another important point in adopting a management system is the possibility of processing this data and transforming it into insights that help managers make decisions.

Use the cloud to your advantage

The big trend in this new moment of digital transformation is cloud backup. Instead of adopting physical drivers to store backup copies, in the cloud, data is stored outside the organization, in secure data centers equipped with cutting-edge technology. Furthermore, the business gains in redundancy, that is, the data is stored on multiple servers.

The company also has a significant gain in mobility, because data can be accessed from any location and with any authorized device. Furthermore, you only pay for the resources you use, without having servers idle or working at their limit. Another benefit is scalability, as whenever you need to increase or reduce storage, you just need to change plans.

 Test recovery speeds

This capacity is essential for maintaining the company’s operational flow and offering essential services in the face of disasters or security incidents. In practice, access to data (or recovery) must be guaranteed as quickly as possible. Therefore, such a resource must be agile enough so that key processes remain stable in adverse situations.

Whenever possible, remove duplicate files

As new files are created, the backup becomes larger, and space increases. To improve storage capacity, manage the occurrence of duplicate backups through features that remove obsolete copies of files, keeping only what is necessary for the operational success of the business.

Use encryption

Essential for corporate backup, encryption is a type of additional barrier to files that makes cybercriminal invasions difficult. By the way, this is the biggest advantage of this technology, even if hackers access the company’s network and data, such resources cannot be used for malicious purposes due to the cryptographic keys.

Perform periodic corporate backup audits

Without carrying out periodic evaluations and tests, the backup may become inefficient. There is no point in creating backup copies in storage locations, automating records and not monitoring the process closely.

What if, during recovery, the data is corrupted, out of date, or simply obsolete?

To be successful and ensure peace of mind about the activity, carrying out audits regularly is essential. In this sense, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of all routine procedures and factors, considering points such as:

  • efficiency of the recovery and restoration process;
  • identification and correction of possible failures;
  • storage security;
  • analysis of periodicity evidence, ensuring that backups are made according to the schedule defined in the planning.

Count on specialized partners

From everything we have seen in this content, there is no doubt: that the backup process should not be carried out only on recommendation or obligation. A solid and successful activity demands management, monitoring, strategy, and expertise.

Amid daily work and priorities related to the main business activities (core business), it is common for companies to not have the infrastructure, availability, or even guidance to guide business backup.

In this sense, investing in specialized brands that provide such services is essential. This way, you guarantee the effectiveness of backups and can focus time, resources, and efforts on strategic procedures for the expansion of your sector or enterprise.

In this post, we gave some tips on how to perform a backup, emphasizing the creation of a good plan and listing good practices. Running out of backup at a time when businesses are increasingly dependent on their IT infrastructure is counting on luck, and when it comes to business, this can result in you being derailed from the path to success. Protect your data!

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