Google Ads: How to create effective campaigns with limited budgets?

Google Ads: How to create effective campaigns with limited budgets?

Are you working with a low budget for your Google Ads campaigns? See 8 tips to get a better return on investment

When a business starts investing in Google Ads campaigns, it is normal not to have such a high budget initially and to increase the budget little by little, according to the return obtained.

But, even if the investment is lower at first, is it possible to have good results with this channel? Are there ways to make ads more effective and outperform the competition?

As much as budget is a factor that impacts the success of your paid media campaigns, there are practical ways to use Google’s resources to your advantage and achieve a good Return on Advertising Investment (ROAS).

In this article, we selected 8 tips that help in this process, to be more strategic even with a limited budget. Check it out below!

How are Google Ads campaign budgets set?

First of all, it’s important to go over how budgets are defined at Google. There are two recommended ways:

  • In expert mode, a daily budget is set for each campaign, which should be based on your advertising goals and approximately how much you want to spend per day. You can review and edit whenever you want;
  • Meanwhile, in smart mode, the ad budget is established monthly, based not only on your goals but also on the total amount you want to spend.

Payment is tied to the actions you want users to take, such as link clicks or conversions. In other words, the greater the investment in strategic campaigns, the greater the chances of increasing the return obtained from them.

But there is one point to pay attention to: even if you have complete freedom to configure your budgets, Google itself recommends a minimum of $20.00 per day (which would give an average of $600.00 per month) for good positioning. It’s not an obligation, but it helps you take your first steps on the channel.

8 hints for creating effective campaigns on a limited budget

Now that you know more details about how setting campaign budgets in Google Ads works, it’s worth checking out our tips for getting good results with your ads – even if the budget is lower.

After all, the success of the account is not only related to the money invested but also to other factors, such as campaign type, keyword planning, segmentation, and much more. Stay in:

1. Invest in Search Network

Without a doubt, one of the best-known Google Ads campaign formats is the Search Network. Not surprisingly, this model stands out because it delivers ads to people who are already actively searching for a solution, be it a product or service, to their problems.

Therefore, you have more chances of getting conversions with it – if you work with the right keywords and creatives that are relevant to the audience, of course.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t invest in other campaign formats, but depending on the total budget, it’s interesting to start with research and then evolve to other models.

2. Plan keywords strategically

Speaking in terms of research, this is also a point that can make a difference when it comes to getting results. The more strategic you are in choosing your keywords, the greater the return.

The idea is to use a good keyword planner to evaluate the relationship between search volume for each term, the average cost per click (CPC), and paid difficulty (approximate level of competition), to choose the most relevant options for your business.

For example, a broader keyword will likely have a higher volume and be more difficult to rank high on Google. Meanwhile, a more specific term as it is more efficient in reaching potential customers.

3. Set manual bids

For those with a limited budget, setting manual bids can also be a good solution. With this feature, you set the limit for each bid and it will not be exceeded in the Google auction.

Furthermore, it is possible to change this value in each campaign, increasing bids to increase your competition about words with high search volume.

4. Don’t overdo ad groups

Another way to get better results with Google Ads campaigns is to be more objective when creating ad groups. After all, the defined budget will be distributed among them and even among the chosen keywords.

Therefore, the greater the exaggeration in the number of groups and terms, the more difficult it will be to optimize expenses and work with a more limited budget.

Along with this, it is interesting to also list the negative keywords for each campaign, which helps to avoid unnecessary spending on search terms that are not relevant or could harm your ads.

5. Target your audience accurately

Just as keywords shouldn’t be too broad, targeting shouldn’t be either. Therefore, a good tip is to be precise when configuring the location you want to reach, and defining the audience profile and their pain points.

Even if you have a business that serves the entire country (e-commerce, for example), investing in the locations that have the most sales at the beginning can allow you to obtain a faster return.

Also work with a remarketing strategy, which aims to reach people who have already been in contact with your company’s website and may be more likely to become customers, making the cost per conversion lower.

6. Schedule times for ads

Another feature that helps you be more strategic with your spending is scheduling days and times to run your ads. With it, you prevent creatives from running during times of low demand and focus your budget on the periods most likely to receive conversions.

If you still don’t know the best day or time for your campaigns, Google Ads itself offers this information. Just access the reports tab and, in the dimensions, choose the period and time of day.

7. Create objective and attractive creatives

When creating your ads, it is essential to work with copy that is attractive and delivers the message objectively to the public, focusing on objective information about your products or services.

The more relevant your creatives are – using the main keywords, Google Ads extensions, and landing pages that are truly aligned with the persona’s pain points – the more likely you are to attract clicks from potential customers.

8. Monitor results and budget

Finally, we can’t help but talk about the importance of analyzing results and reviewing budgets frequently, right?

After all, one of the great advantages of online advertising is the possibility of obtaining performance metrics more easily and using them to extract insights that help improve campaigns.

On the channel itself, it is possible to monitor performance data. However, to be even more strategic and agile, you can also rely on Google Ads reports and dashboards on Reporter.

With them, you not only have access to the main metrics, but they also point out the specific results of each campaign, ad groups, and keywords.

Additionally, you can use our Indicator Control functionality to closely monitor the budget invested in your campaigns and never exceed the total budget foreseen for the month.

When setting a cost target, you receive alerts when it is reached or far from it, as well as alerts for downward or upward variations. In other words, you stay in control of your budget (and other results too), making more agile decisions to increase the return on investment in Google Ads campaigns.


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