5 Tips to lower your advertising costs

5 Tips to lower your advertising costs

Looking for better results from your ad investment? Learn how to reduce cost per result and achieve optimal performance from your campaigns

For those who work with ads on platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and TikTok Ads, for example, the search for better results without increasing investment is a constant concern.

After all, increasing the budget will not always be viable at times or will be the best response to the success of your strategy, right? Therefore, analysts must pay attention to important campaign performance points before trying to invest more in the channels used.

If you are experiencing this scenario today and don’t know where to start to optimize your Ad spending, we have prepared this article with 5 tips to help reduce your cost per result and obtain a better return on advertising investment (ROAS). Follow along!

How to reduce advertising costs? See 5 tips

To begin with, we need to highlight that the process of reducing advertising costs must always take into account the reality of the company served, the objectives it wants to achieve, and how the buyer’s journey works.

Therefore, below we have selected tips that help with this evaluation, in developing tests and adapting the strategy for each type of business. Let’s go.

1. Review the strategy according to the sales funnel

The first step to start reducing your advertising costs is to analyze the actions currently taken and how they generate conversions at all stages of the sales funnel.

This will help to understand whether the campaigns are aimed at the objective that the client wants to achieve and what changes need to be made to optimize the investments applied.

For example, in a shorter sales cycle, bottom-of-the-funnel campaigns should more quickly convince the customer to make their purchase. In a longer cycle, the scenario may change – with top or middle leads arriving more easily – and the process requires more nurturing, qualification, and remarketing resources.

All of this causes your ad planning to change on each channel, as well as the budget allocated to campaigns and the triggers used to generate a greater number of conversions.

2. Segment the audience correctly

When an ad is targeted at an audience that has a profile for your type of business, this makes you more likely to increase results, right? Therefore, audience segmentation plays a relevant role when it comes to reducing advertising costs.

Increasingly, platforms deliver audience-building features that are advanced and specific to the different stages of the funnel. For example, Facebook Ads allows you to create interest, remarketing, and lookalike targeting, which can be combined with other geographic and demographic factors to reach people at the right time in the purchasing journey.

But, to optimize your investment, you need to know how to use these features wisely. In other words, not only defining which audiences will be worked with based on the personas, but also aligning them with top, middle, and bottom campaigns, and carrying out tests to monitor what works best for the company.

3. Run A/B tests

Speaking of which, A/B testing should be a constant part of anyone working with ads. After all, they help identify content that generates better results when serving versions of the same ad that have different variables.

That’s because sometimes an image, CTA, landing page, message, or even a color can make a difference when it comes to attracting someone’s attention on social media. However, without testing, it becomes more difficult to know which are the biggest points of impact when it comes to increasing conversions.

Therefore, including this strategy in your routine will allow you to more quickly reach creatives that deliver a better return on the money invested.

4. Optimize landing pages

An important point to note is your landing page conversion rate. Let’s say your ads have a high CTR (click-through rate), but conversions are still very low. This could mean that, upon arriving at the landing page, the visitor is not receiving the right incentive to become a lead.

In other words, the page needs to be reviewed and optimized. When doing so, assess whether:

  • LP’s promise aligns with what is covered in the ad;
  • the CTA is convincing;
  • and there are no distractions that hinder the objective of getting the person to register or purchase.

To help with this process, many landing page creation platforms allow A/B testing, which makes it easier to achieve better results without having to increase the campaign budget.

5. Analyze results regularly

You have already read the word “analysis” a few times in this article and, once again, it is important to reinforce how much it should be part of the routine of those who work with paid media.

Only by monitoring results regularly can you identify whether the cost per result is within the expected range, what points need to be improved along the way, and new strategies to adopt.

Additionally, evaluate how other metrics impact the final objective, such as cost per click (CPC), CTR, and conversion rate.

Perform more strategic analysis of your campaigns

To carry out more complete and efficient analyses of your ad campaigns, you can rely on report automation tools.

Our platform integrates with the main paid media channels (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, TikTok Ads, LinkedIn Ads, and more) to capture performance metrics in just a few seconds. This way, you have more time to focus on what is most important: analyzing these results and defining successful strategies.

In fact, for more precise monitoring, you can also count on our indicator control tool, in which you can define the most relevant metrics and the goal to be achieved and receive notifications that help you monitor whether you are on the right path to reduction. campaign costs.

Take advantage of Report Automation Tools’s resources right now for more agile analysis and decision-making for your clients.


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