A/B testing: What is it and when to use this strategy?

A/B testing: What is it and when to use this strategy?

Learn how A/B testing can improve your results across different channels


In Digital Marketing, a good strategy is always accompanied by experimentation, trials, and analysis of mistakes and successes. Therefore, one of the most present and used techniques in the field is A/B testing.


This method consists of using two tests carried out with similar content, in which only one variable is changed, to observe how each one performs and which produces the best results.

Therefore, because it is based on real data and not assumptions, it is extremely efficient in understanding what works to attract your audience and generate more conversions for the business.

Therefore, A/B testing can (and should) be used on all possible channels, such as Google Ads and social media ads, Landing PagesE-mail Marketingpages on your website, and much more.

Still, have questions about whether A/B testing makes sense for your strategy and how to apply them in your company’s reality? So check out everything you need to know about the method below!


Why and when to do an A/B test?

One of the great benefits of having a Digital Marketing strategy for your business is being able to constantly monitor the results of your actions and promote improvements based on data.

However, far beyond analyzing this information and making decisions based on guesswork, you must develop tests to optimize your metrics, such as the conversion rate of a Landing Page or the opening rate of an email.

It is based on the improvement of your campaigns that A/B tests are created and deliver different versions of pieces or pages to each portion of users — which is always 50%.

Have you ever imagined how a simple change in the “Call-to-action” (CTA), for example, can make people feel more tempted to click on it? Or how can a title be more attractive and encourage leads to open the content? 

The changed variable will always be related to the metric you want to observe, of course, and you must never choose more than one piece of data at a time. This helps you know what contributed to your result.

Additionally, another benefit of developing this strategy is that it is not that difficult to implement. You just need to know exactly what you need to measure and use the right tools to help distribute the content.

Below, we explain the main items that can be tested and present the most suitable mechanisms for this method. Let’s go.


What can be tested?

Carrying out an A/B test always opens up a range of opportunities for you to make effective changes to your content. 

Therefore, as we said previously, when defining a variable, it must be always aligned with the result you want to optimize. 

An image in the body of the email, for example, will not make any difference to your opening rate. But a more eye-catching title will make your leads more tempted to access it.

With this in mind, there are several variables that you can modify according to your goals and channels. Below, we list the main ones:

  • titles on pages, landing pages, or emails;
  • CTAs;
  • form fields;
  • images or videos;
  • content description;
  • colors and shapes;
  • and the way these elements are distributed.

The possibilities, of course, don’t end there. On Facebook Ads, there is also the opportunity to test different audiencesplacements, or placements for the same content. 

You can also think about different times for sending the same email or making small changes to your offer to see which version is more attractive. Incredible, isn’t it?


Tools to help with A/B testing

To be successful in your A/B testing strategy, it is recommended that you always use a tool that helps with the steps and facilitates the delivery of content and measurement of results.

Some of the most recommended are Google Optimize (which took over Google Analytics’ testing functions), Optimizely, and VWO.

In the case of ads for Facebook and Instagram, the Manager already makes this option available for the campaign objectives of recognition, consideration, and conversion.  

Furthermore, if you use RD Station Marketing, there is the possibility of developing and monitoring tests for your Landing Pages and E-mail Marketing campaigns.


How long should you carry out an A/B test?

Having defined the objectives of your strategy and the tools to execute them, the question remains: how long should an A/B test be run to obtain effective comparisons?

It will all depend on where you are performing this test, of course. While an email generates responses in a few hours, for example, a Landing Page can take weeks to generate more accurate analyses.

Therefore, when determining your strategy, also take into account the useful lifespan of your experiment and leave an interesting margin for users to interact with both versions.

Then, make sure you analyze these results and use them to make improvements in the future, especially, for similar content.

If an A/B test doesn’t work as expected, try modifying another variable and running it again. And even if it works, run new experiments to gain more insights into your audience’s behavior.

Whenever optimization is necessary, make new attempts and take advantage of the measurement and improvement capabilities of Digital Marketing to make your actions even more effective for your business.

Want to know more details about how to A/B test Facebook Ads? So click here and check out the full article on the subject!


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