The Internet has become an influential shopping tool, allowing consumers to research, compare, and analyze before deciding to purchase a product. But, if on the one hand, it has become easier for buyers, it has also been the same for those who seek to undertake online, since they have a variety of resources to sell their products in the digital world. Although ease has also led to the emergence of a highly competitive market and this is where digital marketing comes in. Having an e-commerce business requires special dedication to marketing strategies to stand out, attract potential customers, and achieve conversion.

Why do e-commerce companies need to do Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing actions are an effective way to optimize the visibility of your electronic commerce on the internet. In an increasingly competitive environment, any detail can represent a great advantage over others.

When it comes to online stores, digital marketing techniques are generally applied differently than in traditional brands. The great distinction is in product marketing, which requires a differentiated stance to achieve conversions.

If you are looking for a higher number of sales, there are some aspects and functionalities that you should consider in your e-commerce platform, as well as dissemination techniques. All this has a single purpose: to promote your positioning in search engines and the positive experience of your buyers.

12 good practices of Digital Marketing for electronic commerce

Next, you will discover 12 practices to stand out in the digital context, win over customers, and increase your sales.

1. Product display

The visual elements are the main attraction when purchasing a product and the first thing that attracts the attention of the public.

Both images and videos allow the details of a product to be shown simply and quickly, without users necessarily having to read its information.

Image enlargement resources (zoom), 360º videos, and 3D technology are very useful to increase conversion and improve the user experience.

When it comes to videos, external platforms like YouTube are also a great way to gain public trust.

YouTube, specifically, is the second largest search engine after Google, so uploading videos about your product using key search terms can make all the difference in your sales.

2. Copy of the page

The text on your product page must be strategically designed to meet the needs of the public and search engines.

This means that, in addition to the description, elements such as the URL, the title, and even the alternative text of the images must be optimized with the right keyword so that Google presents your product in its results and, thus, consumers find you more easily.

3. FAQ (frequently asked questions)

Including a frequently asked questions section is a way to help answer your customers’ questions and provide a good experience within your e-commerce.

Additionally, it allows search engine positions, especially for long tail keywords, more specific, less competitive, and more profitable search terms.

This will generate more authority and organic traffic, two great benefits of digital marketing for your e-commerce.

4. Product qualification

That online commerce is becoming highly competitive is no longer a novelty. More and more online stores are springing up, which makes search engines find new ways to show the audience what is trustworthy and what is not.

The rating feature allows your customers to evaluate and rate your product, usually with a score from 0 to 5. This factor is recognized by Google, which in turn collects the scores and presents them in its results to illustrate the trustworthiness. of your product to other interested parties.

Along with the rating, it is also recommended to provide a space for customers to write their analysis and opinions.

5. UGC (User Generated Content)

There is nothing better for marketing a business than a satisfied customer. This is the premise of UGC, also known as user-generated content, a strategy for your clients to promote your business.

UGC can be applied in different ways. One of them is related to the qualification that we mentioned above. When a buyer expresses a positive experience, he makes other people trust and feel motivated to buy the product.

User-generated content can be promoted within your e-commerce platform (with a space to share photos, experiences, and opinions) or on other channels, such as social networks, through marketing actions and, the use of hashtags, among others.

6. Attention via chatbot

Thanks to artificial intelligence, technologies such as chatbots have been transforming the reality of many electronic businesses. This resource allows businesses to implement a service system through a chat based on questions and automated answers.

In this service model, the chatbot becomes an agent capable of personalizing the user experience, offering information about prices, discounts, product availability, and more.

Thus, it acts as a full-time salesperson, collaborating in customer retention and purchase conversion.

7. Advanced Filter

This factor is extremely important, especially if your e-commerce has a large number of products. Filters play the role of organizing the search for products according to their categorization.

Advanced filters are an option to facilitate user navigation and make the purchase process a quick and pleasant experience.

The usability of the filters must consider, in addition to the types of products offered, the behavior of consumers, and the relevant information they seek about them.

For example, for a category like “T-shirts”, a filter of “Material” could be applied, while for “Pots”, it could be filtered by “Volume”, both of which are relevant data at the time of purchase.

8. Wishlist (wish list)

A wishlist or wish list allows users to create personalized pages with products that are of interest to them. They are used, in general, to share gift lists for birthdays and weddings, for example. Although they can also be used for the user to save products and make a purchase at another time that he deems appropriate.

For e-commerce, these lists are powerful marketing tools, since they allow for capturing a large amount of information about buyers’ preferences and creating remarketing and email marketing campaigns, offering promotions, discounts, and even related products.

This resource favors the interaction between the client and the business and considerably increases the possibility of conversion.

9. Personalization

Personalization means finding different ways to provide targeted care, capable of making the user feel special and unique.

In electronic commerce, there are many ways to achieve this, in large part, thanks to artificial intelligence, which has technologies to understand, identify, and track the behavior and tastes of users on the Internet.

Some customization alternatives include sending emails with the contact’s name in the subject line, displaying recommended content based on your preferences, targeted ad campaigns, etc.

Personalization allows users to be guided through the customer journey more quickly, making it easier to take action or, in other words, purchase.

10. Inbound marketing strategies

Inbound marketing for electronic commerce is defined as the set of content strategies to direct the potential client toward the moment of purchase decision.

This method encompasses a series of techniques that aim to attract visitors, convert them into leads, and nurture them with relevant materials until they become customers.

Among the best-known are:

  • creating a blog to drive organic traffic,
  • sending content via newsletter to reinforce the authority of the business,
  • email marketing to send promotions,
  • interaction in social networks to increase brand recognition,
  • rich materials to educate users (such as e-books and whitepapers),
  • among many more.

To implement an Inbound strategy, study the audience of your e-commerce and the resources you have to execute the techniques successfully.

11. Loyalty and referral programs

Programs are an excellent strategy to retain customers and encourage them to continue buying your products.

A loyalty program requires consumers to show some loyalty action, be it mentions on social networks, shared content, or repeat purchases, among others. It is important to think about how these actions will be rewarded, such as points, discount codes, or exclusive benefits.

On the other hand, in a referral program, customers must refer your business to colleagues, friends, or the family in exchange for something of value (e.g., discounts, toasts, benefits) that you can offer to your new customer, current customer, or both.

12. Shopping Cart Optimization

The abandonment of the shopping cart is a highly detrimental factor in electronic commerce, for this reason, it becomes necessary to diagnose the problems that are causing users to give up the purchase in this last stage.

Some ways to reduce cart abandonment are:

  • offer a secure purchasing process;
  • have clear and simple guarantee policies;
  • provide easy access to customer support;
  • provide different forms of payment.

However, the checkout must be constantly analyzed to identify possible failures and objections by users and, thus, improve the experience of buyers and, as a consequence, sales.

How to measure the success of the implemented strategies?

The work does not end when you apply digital marketing techniques to your e-commerce the most important part happens right away.

To identify if everything done has had an effect, it becomes essential to follow some metrics that will indicate if you are on the right track to achieve your goals, interpreting them clearly and measurably.

Most of the metrics can be analyzed using web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics.

Here are the essential metrics you should track:

  • ROI (Return on Investment): the economic value generated as a result of the application of techniques to optimize your electronic commerce.
  • Average ticket: the average transaction value expressed in each purchase made in your business.
  • Conversion rate: the ratio between the number of users who visited your e-commerce and the number of users who made a purchase.
  • Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate – The percentage of users who have not completed the checkout process.
  • Bounce Rate – The rate of abandonment of visitors when they land on your e-commerce page.
  • CPA (Cost Per Acquisition): The total cost invested in promoting your business to get a sale.
  • LTV (Lifetime Value): the value of revenue that a customer has generated during the time they were your customer.

These are just a few examples of metrics that reflect your results, however, there are many more that you can explore to understand how your e-commerce is performing and what actions you should take to further improve your selling power on the internet.


With the advice that we have provided in this article, you will surely be able to start developing the digital marketing of your e-commerce today.

But keep in mind that the results will not come overnight, time and dedication are the best friends of a digital entrepreneur.

So, keep a close eye on your online store metrics and always keep optimizing them to deliver the best possible experience for your customers and build your business’s positive reputation on the web.