Essential WordPress Plugins For Your Website

Essential WordPress Plugins For Your Website

WordPress is one of the most recognized and prestigious content management systems in the world. If you are new to this platform, you are probably wondering what are WordPress plugins. These are some of the best tools offered by this platform to be able to add more functions that become essential for your website.

What is a WordPress plugin?

WordPress plugin is an additional program that you can add to your page to have new and different functionalities to those already integrated into the platform.

Thanks to these, you can have a world of new options on your page created with WordPress and there are thousands of plugins available in which you can choose the ones that best suit your interests and those of your website.

There are more than 50,000 WordPress plugins you can find from the simplest features such as adding particular designs to your page to the most advanced such as improving security levels, managing more efficiently, or managing your website’s statistics.

These are some of the features that make the WordPress platform more attractive than others with similar features. Among the thousands of options available in the official WordPress repository, it is almost impossible not to find access to plugins that meet the needs of your website.

How do WordPress plugins work?

One of the most frequent questions that arise about plugins is about how they work. It should be noted that these are not complicated programs or options that can only be understood by computer professionals.

A plugin works as a kind of small program or code that you can add to your existing WordPress web space.

To understand how it works more easily, we can use our browser as an example. The browsers that we use daily have pre-established functions in their initial version, however, it is possible to add additional functions such as ad blockers or VPN extensions.

With WordPress plugins, the operation is the same. These work as additional extensions to the already existing options and can be integrated into your platform in a very simple way and most of the available options, for free.

In slightly more technical terms, they are developed using the computer languages ​​HTML, PHP, and JavaScript.

This means that they work as extensions to existing software and there is no need to change all existing program codes. You will see this reflected when you notice that it is not necessary to install any extensive program in your database, but in a matter of seconds, you can have your plugin and improve your experience on

Why are WordPress plugins so important?

The number of functionalities that plugins can bring to your website is innumerable. Although today there are more than 50,000 plugin options available, this figure can increase every day by official WordPress developers and third parties that integrate new plugins into the platform.

These are of fundamental importance for all types of websites since they will be able to transform their WordPress web spaces into pages with professional functions at very cheap prices and even free.

Next, we will tell you the main advantages that make WordPress plugins so important:

1. Personalization

The biggest advantage of a WordPress plugin is that it will give you direct access to customizing your content to extend the already default functionality in the WordPress software.

Among a world of websites created on the WordPress platform with the same appearances and functionalities, you will be able to highlight your website with the customization of your content in which you will be able to do practically what you want.

This is essential for the content of your web page to have a better reach in search engine results. The best WordPress plugins offer customization options for your design with easy-to-use tools and plugins.

The advantages of customization do not lie only in customizing the design of your page, since the best plugins for WordPress offer options to create digital stores, optimize loading times, and even simplify the use of Google Analytics to better evaluate the performance.

2. Easy to install

Thanks to its computer structure, a WordPress plugin is really easy to install. They do not require any effort, nor programming code installations that require the contracting of additional services, being an ideal solution for those who want an optimized website, page, or blog without having to break their budget.

One of the main advantages of its easy installation is that it can be done practically without any limit. This is because a plugin will not significantly increase the size of the main website.

This will allow you to install as many plugins on your website as needed. And if you want to uninstall one, there will be no problem when doing so.

That is, they can be easily uninstalled without affecting more than the functionalities offered by said plugin. Allowing you to automatically restore the previous state of your portal.

3. Free Options

Many of the plugins available in WordPress have payment options due to the professional functions that they usually integrate. However, many of the best WordPress plugins also often come with free versions with similar functionality.

As it is open-source software, a large community of web developers has the possibility of integrating their plugins for free use on the platform.

So if the budget was one of the limitations for your website, with the thousands of options that you will find in the WordPress extensions, you will no longer have to worry about this.

4. Optimization

Regardless of the type of plugin you need for your website. There are WordPress plugins that will allow you to better optimize your content to have a better loading speed.

Sometimes the incorporation of so many functionalities in a page can saturate it and make it not well optimized for its users.

For this reason, sometimes regardless of the loading speed of your internet, some websites take longer than others to load their content. This is due to the lack of optimization that these portals have.

Within the category of the best WordPress plugins, plugins offer an optimization tool for the content of the page.

These will improve the accessibility of your website thanks to its function of compressing photos and designs so that they occupy less weight in the database and in this way, it is easier to access them.

5. Security

All plugins are secure programs to extend the functionality of the WordPress software. However, there are specialized plugins to enhance the security of your website.

Malware, hackers, or unwanted content spam are some of the risks to which any page is exposed. These security threats not only limit its functionality as the content manager for your WordPress website but can also limit your access to a desired scope.

For this, within the category of the best WordPress plugins, specialized plugins are included to improve security against possible computer intruders that exist on the network.

What types of plugins are there?

In the official WordPress directory, there are thousands of plugins available for free and paid installation. Both in official media and third parties, it is possible to find a wide variety of plugins for the needs you require.

If you want your blog to stop being a conventional website and become a professional page, plugins can do it in simple steps.

Below, we will show you which are the most popular types of plugins and how they can benefit you:

For the increase and control of traffic and SEO

One of the most popular types of WordPress plugins is those that have the functionality to increase and control traffic under SEO parameters to achieve better results in search engines.

Search Engine Optimization is responsible for the application of optimization techniques that pages use to achieve positioning among the first results when we search. With the help of various WordPress plugins, you will be able to achieve this more efficiently thanks to the various solutions that they can offer you.

As it is a website that is already positioned and with a particular operation to that of other platforms, to position itself in WordPress it is necessary to use techniques that differentiate your portal, so the best plugins have it very clear in its operation.

You can find numerous WordPress plugins at your disposal to improve the SEO positioning of the web, among which features such as:

  • Creating compelling content – ​​Numerous plugins with functionality will help create compelling content through grammar suggestions and sentence structure modifications to improve readability and make it easier for your potential customers to read.
  • Check SEO – Some of the best and most popular plugins work for checking the SEO quality score of your website. This is done using Google’s statistical tools and ranking for things like keywords on your page.

Focused on improving the security of your website

WordPress being a free platform in its initial release, its easy reach exposes your websites to many security risks and malicious threats.

Given this, WordPress plugins have emerged focused exclusively on improving the security of your website. Their role is similar to hiring an antivirus system on a computer or installing an alarm system in a house.

Although by default WordPress has sufficient security measures to protect its web portals from further damage, there are minor risks such as malicious computer threats and unwanted content spam, to which your users will always be exposed as in any web portal.

Given this, there are various WordPress plugins with particular security functions. Some of the most popular offer tools like:

  • Monitoring: Many security plugins will allow you to monitor the security status of your web portal. They do this by monitoring the integrity of your files, blocklisting, and auditing suspicious activity on your page so you can see if there are any risks to worry about.
  • Comprehensive security: There are security WordPress plugins that meet all the required functionalities in one and include multiple benefits for your portal, offering you comprehensive security against all types of threats. Comprehensive security plugins focus on keeping bad users out with blocking, two-factor authentication, and immediate detection of unwanted movement.

Increase interaction with your community

Plugins to increase interaction with your community are one of the best options for those who want to improve their loyalty with their potential customers without using social media campaigns or breaking their budget.

Among the wide variety of plugins available, there are clever strategies such as the possibility of incorporating interactions through voting, surveys, or linking a shortcut to social media engagement.

Virtual communities have enormous value for companies that are just diving into the digital world and a plugin can help you create them organically and easily. Some of the most common functions offered by plugins are:

  • Direct and indirect interaction: Thanks to the plugins you will be able to integrate exclusive forms of interaction specially designed to strengthen virtual communities into your blog or web portal. Following the concept of the most popular social platforms and networks, many plugins integrate direct and indirect interaction functions such as sending private messages, responding in comment boxes, or even reacting to your content by liking or disliking it.
  • Customer service: Not all digital businesses have the possibility of integrating a customer service team at an early stage. For this reason, many plugins to increase interaction with your community include among their options the possibility of having direct contact with you through private messages, direct access to contact channels, or enabling instant connection and synchronization with email email and social media.

better maintenance

Sometimes a growing WordPress page requires constant scheduled maintenance to update its content, reform some strategies, or simply evaluate its technical operation.

This is not only important for a WordPress blog, but it is essential for any web page since it will allow your system to be fully updated as well as to be able to evaluate protection measures, load optimization, or even analysis using SEO techniques.

Thanks to a maintenance plugin, this task can be completely simplified. It will not be necessary to require experts in the website maintenance service or improvement of your blog since thanks to a WordPress plugin you will be able to do the maintenance yourself.

The digital world never sleeps and WordPress pages can be visited anytime, anywhere. If you need to maintain your content and your entire website, with the help of a plugin you can do it in a more organized way so that it never means a loss of your potential customers.

These include functional solutions such as customization of the maintenance screen in which you can integrate your logo, themes, colors, and branding to demonstrate that the page is still fully operational.

As there is so much variety of WordPress plugins to achieve better maintenance, you can also find more striking functions such as integrating a timer to inform when the page will be up again, shortcuts to forms, and connections with social networks.

Control of social networks

One of the most popular and requested types of plugins are those specialized for the control of social networks through WordPress.

Currently, social networks are part of the daily life of a large part of the world population, which is why it has become an almost mandatory requirement for any digital business that wants to guarantee its success. Thanks to the various WordPress plugins specialized for this theme, you will be able to achieve an efficient integration of your WordPress website together with your social networks.

Not all WordPress plugins specialized in the control of social networks are the same and each one can fulfill a different function related to the objectives of your portal and the image as a brand that you want to project. Some of the most important functions that this type of plugins can offer you are:

  • Buttons to share on social networks: Sometimes they go unnoticed since they do not have greater visibility in the design of a website. However, thanks to the sharing buttons you will be able to improve your exposure online thanks to the fact that users will be able to share your content instantly on the social networks they want. This will simplify for your users the task of having to copy and copy a long link and will benefit you from a new source of potential users and views.
  • Access to your social networks: With a connection to your social networks your users can easily find and follow you with just one click.

Optimization and performance

Optimization and performance go hand in hand and are everything to improve the results of websites. Thanks to this, it will be easier for your users to navigate within it and search engines will be able to prioritize your content in their results compared to other websites.

Optimized websites are synonymous with efficiency since they can become a trusted platform in which users of all kinds find the results they are looking for.

With the help of various types of essential plugins for your website, this can be achieved efficiently. The most frequent optimization and performance improvement tools in the best WordPress plugins are:

  • Increased performance: By optimizing your content and simplifying your database elements, plugins can professionally increase the performance of your website and make it more attractive to search engines. This is not only functional to reduce the loading speed and improve the experience of your users but also increases the conversion rates to improve the positioning in Google Analytics.
  • Clear cache – Some WordPress plugins specialized in optimization and performance work as real cleaners of all the unwanted content on a web page. Non-functional data deletion, backup, and database cleanup are some of the most important functions.

What to keep in mind before installing a WordPress plugin?

At this point, there is no doubt about the incredible functions that plugins can provide to all types of WordPress portals. However, before hitting the install button, it is very important to make some considerations to avoid making some common mistakes in the early stages of growing a WordPress blog.

It is common to get carried away by the multiple benefits of this type of software added to our websites. However, if your installations are not carried out consciously, it can lead to problems such as incompatibilities, performance failures, and overloads in the WordPress database.

Therefore, below we will show you a small list of fundamental considerations that you must make before downloading a plugin for WordPress:

1. Evaluate the need to install WordPress plugins

Before installing a WordPress plugin, it is essential to evaluate the need and the benefits that it could bring to the operation of your website.

Many of the plugins usually integrate similar functions in terms of security, optimization, and performance, so the installation of additional plugins becomes unnecessary and can lead to the incompatibility of the software of both. Some of the most frequent problems that usually arise from the unnecessary installation of plugins are:

  • Lack of order: A plugin is a small piece of software that must be constantly updated to improve its performance and adapt to new versions of the WordPress platform. When there is a large number of plugins unnecessarily, the order of updates to be carried out is lost, leading to a security vulnerability by having versions that are no longer valid.
  • Slow down your website: Many of the loading speed problems on web pages are caused by the saturation of their content. Having plugins installed unnecessarily can prevent the proper functioning of your website.
  • Long-term risks: The lack of order in the codes and the database of your website, added to poor optimization and performance, leads to risks for your website. The most recommendable thing will always be the incorporation of plugins that bring benefits to your portal and are sustainable in the long term.

2. Measure plugin feedback and referrals

In the WordPress plugin repository, it is possible to have easy access to the evaluations made by users for each plugin. This will be of great help to know the opinion of those who already have experience of use and to evaluate a possible installation of the same.

It is advisable to always keep this aspect in mind since it will allow you to avoid bad times such as the installation of a plugin that limits the performance of your website, poor functions, or even the presence of malware in it.

A very important aspect to keep in mind with this point is that if a plugin has low ratings, it does not necessarily mean that it is bad. Usually, each version of a plugin tends to update in the install store and this causes me to get the ratings as well.

You must verify what the performance history has been in its ratings throughout its different versions and in case of negative opinions, confirm which version it is and read the opinions of its users in this regard.

3. Compatibility

The WordPress platform is constantly being updated by adding new features and dropping some others. This means that sometimes some types of plugins end up being displaced and outdated due to the incorporation of functions on the same platform.

To avoid this, in the official WordPress plugin repository you can find all the information regarding its updates as well as the version of WordPress with which it is compatible.

This can be verified instantly. You just have to go to the installation access of a specific plugin and check the additional information section in its right corner.

In the additional information section, you will be able to see its version number, its last update, its number of active installations, the WordPress version required, the most recent version with which the plugin was tested, and specific information about the languages ​​with which it is plugin compatible.

However, WordPress updates are not the only source of plugin incompatibility. One of the most common ways to generate incompatibility and errors is by incorporating different plugins that fulfill the same function. Given this, it is necessary to previously evaluate the need for a plugin before installing it.

4. Install a plugin on a trusted platform

Before installing any type of software, it is very important to make sure that it does not imply a risk of any kind.

On the internet it is possible to find thousands of plugins for WordPress easily, however, downloading anyone you find on the net can endanger both the security and the performance of your website.

The quality of a plugin depends on the type of development with which it was created. The most recognized are usually created by groups of professional developers who have different types of software on the market.

In general, these come to place a better emphasis on taking care of their reputation and on emphasizing fundamental details such as updates, debugging, and customer service if necessary.

Although a plugin that is not found in the official WordPress repository does not necessarily imply inferior quality, the type of development with which it was made must be rigorously analyzed to avoid problems such as malicious code or malware that put your website at risk.

When you choose a plugin, you are placing trust in its developers, so it is advisable to opt for the options with the greatest credibility and experience in the area.

5. Install the plugin

One of the best ways to clear up doubts and more accurately measure the need to install a plugin is by testing it. However, this does not mean that you should incorporate it into your website to measure its operation since this can imply considerable security risks.

There are hosting tools that can function as a staging site outside of your production WordPress website. With this, you will be able to eliminate all kinds of incompatibility risks, malicious software, or loss of time.

How to install a plugin in WordPress?

The WordPress platform offers great flexibility for installing plugins. Either from its official directory or from a third party, the process of installing a plugin is easier than what is usually believed and below we will show you the 3 most popular methods to do it:

1. Install a plugin from the official WordPress directory

If you are new to this platform, you are looking for the easiest way to install a plugin, in the official WordPress directory you will find the answer.

Through this medium, you can have access to the most popular, reliable, and recognized plugins in the field, so if you are looking for the simplest types of plugins with basic and effective functions, you will find them here. We will show you step by step what you must do to achieve it:

  • To install a plugin, you must first go to the WordPress control panel or dashboard section and select the add new option.
  • Once you enter the add new section, you will have access to the store where you will find all the plugins available on the platform. These will be divided into different sections such as the most popular, recommended for you, favorites, and the search engine option to easily find the desired plugin.
  • Once you select the plugin you want to install, you must click on the Install Now option.
  • When the download is finished, you simply have to click on the activate option. Once this is done, your plugin will be installed and ready to be used.

2. Install a plugin manually

The official WordPress directory is not the only option to install a plugin and sometimes the best plugins have web pages and specialized platforms for their installation.

Given this, the installation will not be as simple as when a plugin is purchased through the same WordPress platform and it will be necessary to perform a manual installation.

However, with the steps that we will show you below, you will be able to install your plugins from external directories simply and quickly:

  • Go to the external directory of the plugin to download and install it.
  • Download the plugin .zip file.
  • Enter the WordPress control panel section and select the option to add a new plugin.
  • Click the upload plugin option located at the top of the page.
  • Click the browse button and select the previously downloaded plugin .zip file on your computer.
  • Select the option to install now.
  • Once installed, click on the activate plugin option. In this way, your plugin installed in external directories can be easily activated in WordPress.

3. Install a plugin using an FTP client

The installation method through an FTP client is one of the most complicated due to its age and number of processes to be carried out, and its use is recommended for the development or maintenance of the website. To install a plugin using this method, it will be necessary to follow the following steps :

  • Install the desired plugin.
  • Unzip the .zip file and save it to an identified folder on your computer. This folder must be intended solely for this task since it will later be compressed and uploaded through the FTP client.
  • Establishes a connection via an FTP client to the server.
  • Locate and enter the WordPress httpdocs folder on your computer.
  • Inside the httpdocs folder, double-click on the wp-content file to access the WordPress directory.
  • Once this is done, you will find the plugin file, you must double-click on it to enter.
  • Once it has been entered, the compressed zip folder where the plugin is located must be dragged and dropped into the plugin file. With this, you can already have your plugin installed in WordPress using an FTP client.

Is it necessary to buy premium plugins for WordPress?

While many of the most popular WordPress plugins tend to be paid, it is not necessary to only use paid plugins. As there is such a wide market for WordPress plugins, it is possible to get all kinds of qualities, prices, and versions available.

Regardless of whether it is a paid or free plugin, it will always be necessary to take into account the necessary considerations before installing a plugin in wordpress.

The fact that you have to pay does not imply a higher quality and if you have a limited budget for the development of a wordpress portal, there is no reason to worry. Some of the most important aspects to consider before buying premium plugins are:

  • Functions: Before purchasing a plugin, you should analyze the functions it offers and how they can benefit your website. If there are no free plugins with the same functions that the premium plugin offers, it is a fundamental point to consider buying it.
  • Comparison to Free Versions – Many plugins offer free options to their paid versions with some limited features. If you want to avoid spending money unnecessarily, consider pre-testing the performance of its free version and consider whether it is necessary to purchase its premium plugin.
  • Support: In general, premium plugins among their functions usually offer full-time support. If the plugin you are considering buying does not have this option, it is preferable to opt for free alternatives.

What WordPress plugins you cannot miss?

Among the thousands of options available, we have simplified your search and compiled the best WordPress plugins by category based on popularity, active installs, and ratings. Here we will show you the main ones:

1. Best WordPress Plugin for Security

One of the most popular plugins on the entire WordPress platform is Wordfence, even being rated as the best WordPress plugin for security.

This protects your website against any attempt at computer sabotage such as alteration of access codes, spam, or hacking. Wordfence will be in charge of using multiple computer security measures, among which the blocking of all unauthorized IP addresses and complete networks, two-factor authentication, or scanning of users who enter your website stand out.

This efficient security plugin is not only positioned as one of the best WordPress plugins, but it is also freely accessible to everyone since it is possible to install it in both its free and paid versions. If you are considering installing the Wordfence plugin for your website, we will tell you about its main functions:

  • Wordfence scanner: In its premium version, this plugin includes a malware threat detection scanner to prevent any attempt to change your website.
  • Duplicate detection: Computer crimes are increasingly ingenious and one of the most frequent types of fraud is the duplication of existing web pages. If this happens, Wordfence will take care of detecting and preventing your website from being run by users who try to steal the information from your portal.
  • Automatic updating: You will not have to worry about the mess that constant plugin updates generate. Wordfence is automatically updated when new versions are released.

2. Plugin for forums

If you want your WordPress portal to become a timeless space for debate and discussion, thanks to the bbPress plugin this can be achieved.

This basic but highly functional plugin is software designed for the incorporation of a chat forum in your portal designed exclusively to adapt to the growth of all types of communities.

It doesn’t matter if your WordPress portal is a blog, an online store, or a business website. BbPress can be installed on any type of portal and can be an ingenious strategy to achieve a more loyal and integrated community through interaction on this communication channel.

One of the aspects that make this plugin an indispensable one is that it is a completely free plugin designed by WordPress. This means that you can easily install it and activate it automatically through the official WordPress directory.

Once you install the bbPress plugin, you can configure the type of use you want to give it in its settings, being able to add features such as individual forums, personalized responses, themes, or even allowing anonymous chat by your users.

3. Best booking plugin

The times when WordPress was a simple website to easily create a blog are long gone. Today this platform can easily be used to manage an entire business and generate a new source of customers.

To achieve this in the best way, some plugins will help you streamline processes in a digital and fully automated way. The Booking Calendar plugin is popularly known as one of the best WordPress plugins thanks to its automatic mode in which your clients can make online reservations through WordPress.

This is possible thanks to its intelligent software in which, once integrated into your portal, your clients will be able to view a calendar where they can choose the tentative date for a reservation and later fill out a form to formalize it.

This tool is ideal for businesses such as restaurants, beauty centers, or even medical offices. Booking Calendar will allow you to modify the dates and times available so that your clients can make an appointment or book based on the hours pre-established by the business on the platform.

This is a plugin that can be purchased for free, however, it also has a premium version with which you can enjoy extra features. This plugin is available in the official wordpress repository.

4. Calendar Plugin

Calendar plugins have similar functions to booking plugins, however, they are not the same. The calendar plugins are intended for those who want to manage the events of their web portal in a more efficient way in which both you as an administrator, as well as users and members of your community, can publish on it.

One of the best WordPress plugins for this task is The Event Calendar. This popular plugin features an easy-to-use user interface with a wealth of built-in features that are beneficial to both you and your audience.

Thanks to this plugin you will be able to publish the events on your website with different display modes that can be classified in days, months, or a list. Also, it has an interactive search tool in which your users can search for the specific days and events they want in this calendar integrated into your website.

If you also want to have booking functions but with a calendar with more interactivity, with The Event Calendar plugin you can do it. You will be able to create reservations for your events, register the attendees, and even connect to the maps provided by Google to set the addresses of potential events.

This plugin is available in its paid and free version. Both have highly efficient functions and you can choose one of them based on the needs required by your business.

5. Best Backup Plugin

What worse nightmare for an active WordPress user than to wake up one day and lose all your content? Although this is unlikely, it is not impossible. Computer criminals are present throughout the network and sometimes the most innocuous malware can lead to the total loss of an entire web portal.

Given this, there are plugins specialized in making backup copies that support your website and provide you with the assurance that you can always have a backup up your sleeve.

One of the best WordPress backup plugins is UpDraftplus. This popular plugin automatically backs up all your files and database at all times.

In it, you will be able to configure the backup production frequencies for better efficiency and these can be stored in third-party services such as Dropbox, Google Drive or even stored on your server.

This plugin is highly functional for all types of wordpress portals. It can be installed in its free version, which has extensive advantages for conservative users who simply require basic operation.

However, it can also be purchased in its premium version with more features regarding its storage and additional tools.

6. Plugin for spam protection

No one wants to run into spam while browsing the web. Whether through spam, fake comments, or malicious content, spam slows down any web portal and makes it a less attractive digital destination for your potential customers and search engines.

To avoid this on the WordPress platform, there are multiple spam protection plugins, among which the Akismet Spam Protection plugin stands out.

Akismet is an essential plugin for any web portal that wants to protect its security and maintain its performance on the web.

This plugin can analyze the comments, form submissions, and interactions made on your website and compare them with the global WordPress spam database to verify the veracity of the interactions. Other of its main functions are:

  • Automatically check the presence of spam and filter them so that they are not visible between the comments.
  • Store the malicious content removed in the history to be able to see which ones were removed by the plugin and evaluate their level of effectiveness.
  • Discard function to completely block the most aggressive spam, allowing you to save space on your hard drive and in the database of your WordPress portal.

7. Email Subscription Plugin

Email subscription is one of the most effective loyalty techniques for blogs and newsletters that aim to build a strong community. However, making an email subscription tends to be a short but tedious task for most users and they end up discarding it.

Thanks to the MailChimp plugin, it is possible to create a bridge between your WordPress portal and the emails of your users. This is thanks to the fact that MailChimp has an email marketing service that acts as a bridge between WordPress, your MailChimp account, and your potential subscribed users. Among the main features of this plugin are:

  • Tool to perform user segmentation.
  • Registration forms optimized for the use of WordPress from mobile devices.
  • Easy integration and compatibility with the most popular form plugins.
  • Direct support is available in multiple languages.
  • Email lists of up to 2000 subscribers in its free version.
  • Email editor with preset templates.

8. Best WordPress Plugin for Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the most useful and efficient platforms for those who want to collect useful information from the users of their web pages. This is a fundamental pillar in all types of large-scale growth strategy because it allows decision-making based on the interests of your clients and potential clients.

However, thanks to the effectiveness and simplicity offered by wordpress plugins, it will no longer be necessary to hire an additional SEO service or a specialized marketing team to measure your statistics in Google Analytics.

WordPress plugins like MonsterInsights allow you direct access to all the statistical details of your website from the comfort of your WordPress dashboard. This plugin has managed to position itself as one of the best plugins for WordPress, reaching more than 3 million active installations.

This popularity is largely due to the versatility and easy handling that this plugin allows. Once configured, you will be able to directly track the direct and outbound links located on your website and you will be able to know what type of content has attracted the highest number of visitors and even the amount of time they stayed on it.

As it is a premium plugin, to access it, it is necessary to pay an annual membership that can vary depending on the number of websites you have affiliated with. Among their terms of service, they guarantee a full refund of your money for 2 weeks if you are not satisfied with the functions of MonsterInsights.

9. The best plugin for translation

Would you like to expand the possibilities of your WordPress portal and remove language barriers? Translation plugins are one of the best options for those who want to conquer all kinds of markets by turning their website into a multilingual one.

A translation plugin works differently than other types of web page translations. These work automatically, activating based on the location of your potential users to carry out an automatic and efficient translation.

One of the highest-rated plugins is GTranslate, this plugin has become popular as one of the best plugins for translation thanks to the fact that it allows your users to freely choose the language they want through a drop-down widget located on your portal.

With more than 100 language options available, in the free version of GTranslate, you will be able to enjoy the basic functionalities required by an emerging website. However, if you want to install its premium version you can have the following functions:

  • Specialized URLs for SEO in the target languages.
  • Translations of keywords and meta descriptions based on SEO strategies.
  • Incorporation of Google Analytics.
  • Machine translation with a human touch for better results.
  • Edition of translation results.

10. Best Plugin for Social Media Integration

Integrating social media buttons on your WordPress website is not a complicated task. However, to do it in the best way, it is necessary to have an optimized plugin that can be effective for both its administrators and its users.

One of the best plugins for integrating social media into your WordPress platform is AddToAny. This plugin is compatible with all social networks and is the easiest way to link them to your WordPress portal.

However, in addition to fulfilling its main objective, it also integrates additional basic but highly useful functionalities. You will be able to choose the design of the access button to the social network, as well as the position, the location on your website, and even shorten the integrated URLs

Also, you can integrate it with your Google Analytics account. This is a very important point, as it will allow you to see the effectiveness of your social media integration and see the number of people who have interacted with the shortcuts.


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