See how to improve positioning on Google through 6 techniques

See how to improve positioning on Google through 6 techniques

Imagining what the internet would be like without search engines is truly scary. These tools, called search sites, are crucial for users to discover content on the Web. And, linked to this resource, we can take advantage of strategies for better positioning on Google and thus, guarantee greater engagement for our company online!

But do you know how to use tactics that work? This is what we will cover in this post. In it, we have gathered the main tips on how to maintain a consistent positioning on Google, especially on SEO optimization and other details.

Did you know that keeping an eye on algorithm updates is an essential key to ranking? Keep reading and find out more!

1. Pay attention to content size

Discussing the length of content is complicated. While you may have heard or read that it doesn’t matter much, that’s not the case. Don’t let the number of words be a barrier to creating something of quality, however, it is a fact that positioning on Google tends to prefer longer content for the best positions.

Why is writing longer content beneficial? Well, search algorithms are very sophisticated and capable of accurately evaluating what your post covers and identifying whether there is relevant information. These are not posts with a large number of words, but rather more detailed and comprehensive content about the subject covered.

Don’t underestimate the power of Google! If you want your content to be easily found, you need to provide a comprehensive answer to user questions. Therefore, there is no point in a post with just 500 words. The important thing is to write a more complete text to make it easier to classify the information.

2. Work your keywords well

Nothing surprising for you, dear SEO analyst! Keywords are the foundation of search optimization, and also a large part of organic traffic ranking. There is still a lot to discover on the subject, so don’t miss this opportunity to check out the main strategies related to the topic below.


To best approach this step, we recommend using what are called LSI keywords. These are the main topic variables that add more context to your search. For example, if you are searching for digital marketing, then you will probably want to add related words like SEO and content production.

LSIs are essential for those who want to optimize their content for the digital medium. This is because they help Google ensure that you are addressing the topic. There are countless ways to discover these keywords, including in the search engine itself – the related results tab can give you good insights.

Different keywords

It is important to diversify your content with different keywords to help promote your traffic. Google Search Console is a useful tool for discovering terms that are part of your content but are not intended to help your article rank.

Specific terms

Don’t underestimate the power of basic terms. They are the first things that come to mind when you think about a topic, and they are often essential for defining more varied keywords. For example, if you are looking to rank for shoes, using basic terms like “buy shoes” or “find new shoes” can be helpful.

3. Use competition to your advantage

Searching for the right keywords is nothing new. There is countless content produced, so surely some of it has already used the keyword you are thinking of. The search is not about highlighting its exclusivity, which is impossible, but about taking advantage of the characteristic of the lack of uniqueness to favor its content.

Searching for keywords, we inevitably come across those already used by our competitors, both the best-known and the most obscure. This is no reason to be discouraged, after all, they are already ahead and have discovered which ones have the highest performance. Take advantage of this situation and turn the competition to your benefit.

So identify your target first, and then examine your opponent’s post. Look for relevant URLs and examine all the related keywords that rank best. Utilize these keywords to improve the ranking of your posts.

4. Pay attention to Search Intent

The term in English is essential to understand the crucial aspect when it comes to creating content for the web. We briefly discuss the algorithms developed by Google to classify websites. However, there is a specific code that determines whether your website is appropriate for the relevant keyword, Rank Brain.

It is not so simple for us humans to access a website this way, but for machines, carrying out the analysis is much more complex. It is in this context that Google developed this mechanism, what does it mean?

The search engine plays an important role in evaluating whether the user finds what they are looking for on your page. Therefore, the more targeted your content is, the better. Offering exactly what users are looking for is not limited to placing keywords. It is a broader approach, which involves researching topics and creating content. Considering user needs is a good way to start.

5. Be aware of authority standards

Online authority is a very broad concept to understand, as there is no single way to achieve good positioning on Google. It needs both external and internal qualities and, therefore, requires continuous effort on the part of the producer and analyst. We must remember that Google looks for sites that offer quality content to classify them as authoritative.

You can find out what the search engine’s quality guidelines are for conducting searches. Sometimes it is simpler to fulfill them, other times it may be impossible. Therefore, focus on what you can control: level of professionalism in the texts, adding true information, creating relevant content, avoiding publishing the same content more than once, improving grammar and writing style, and making everything even more effective.

6. Keep up with algorithm updates

Google’s fundamental proposition of “organizing the world’s data and making it universally available and useful” should not be compromised. Therefore, we know much more about the Google algorithm through its major updates, such as updates that promote the optimization of websites for mobile devices and encourage those responsible for creating them to follow the guidelines and prevent sanctions if these requirements are not met.

Or even the Product Reviews Update (September 2022) which aimed to establish new guidelines for evaluating products using the old algorithm.

Most common SEO errors on websites

Poor execution of SEO techniques is one of the main factors that make online strategies inefficient, ranging from content production and lower conversions. Therefore, to prevent it from occurring, avoid:

  • publish superficial content;
  • leave keyword planning aside;
  • repeat keywords excessively, as this could be punished in Google positioning;
  • disregard internal linking;
  • disregard the mobile experience.

With these tips on positioning on Google, the mission of staying on the first page will be an easy task to accomplish. So, pay attention to the algorithms and work on your keywords, okay?

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