Discover how to use SEO for developers and increase your success

Discover how to use SEO for developers and increase your success

Improving website performance and increasing optimization performance on Google is something we all seek to stand out in the online world. However, several aspects affect the positioning of a website, and SEO for developers is one of them. After all, this point helps to improve search engines.

For this reason, we prepared this detailed post about the importance of SEO for developers, how to use it efficiently in the search engine, and the main techniques and updates on the subject. Follow along!

SEO for developers: how important is it?

The term SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and consists of a series of techniques for optimizing search engine performance. This way, when your website has excellent performance, it will appear in the top positions in search engines such as Google, and Yahoo and thus contribute to better conversions.

When it comes to SEO for developers, it is necessary to plan each stage of the website to avoid any adjustments that could already be unnecessary. Therefore, organizing actions contributes to a good positioning in the long term, because changes can last days and even months to obtain the expected result.

How to use SEO effectively?

The fact is that SEO for developers is the basic prerequisite in structuring the website, after all, the main objective is for it to have good visibility and relevance. However, remember: for your implementation to be a success, you need to align all strategies, from content marketing to structuring correctly

This is because there is no point in having a website with excellent alignment with poor, disorganized, and unstrategic content. So, with these steps in line, check out what it takes to have optimized SEO for developers:

  • mobile compatibility;
  • consistent navigation;
  • URL structure;
  • website speed;
  • programming language.

For you to understand in a simplified way, we have separated the main tips for efficient SEO for developers. Check out!

Title tag

Believe me, this detail is what makes many visitors decide to stay on your page. The tag is used as a referral mechanism in search engine results (SERPs), social media, and internet browser tabs. To do this, create a template with a maximum of 70 characters.


Website security is a growing concern due to the world becoming increasingly digitally immersive. Develop websites with HTTPS (Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which guarantees visitors that they are on a secure website. Therefore, addresses with this security have a lower rejection rate among users, increasing the algorithm.


It serves to optimize navigation and indicate the hierarchies of the site’s internal pages. Therefore, to improve your tracking, we recommend using the commands:

  • <lastmod> — serves to signal the last date that was changed;
  • <changefreq> — used to demonstrate how often the page is changed;
  • <priority> — indicates the importance of the page.

What are your main updates in recent years?

After the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, there were several impacts on the market, including the issue of SEO for developers. One of the significant changes was announced by Google — it decided to announce its next update focusing on greater user experience, establishing Core Web Vitals.

This translated term means main web vitals and it is about 3 new metrics that will be considered the new decisive points of ranking:

  • CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift): responsible for determining the visual stability of the page, to improve and observe whether the content does not present instability during loading;
  • FID (First Input Delay): refers to the website’s response time. If there is a delay, this metric will identify the site and may reduce its ranking;
  • LCP (Largest Contentful Paint): observes whether there is a delay in the visible content of the page;

Therefore, the main aspects observed at this point in SEO for developers are loading speed, visual stability, and interactivity.

What are the updates for 2022?

2022 is a year full of trends at Google, growth in user experience, and experiments such as off-page drive and performance. Furthermore, the forecast will be greater increases in Featured Snnipets, videos dominating search results, and a reduction in increasing CTR, among others. Understand in detail.

Increase in Featured Snnipets

Until recently, Google was just a list of the most relevant links. However, this has been left behind, as now the search engine brings maximum information, resulting in a lower click rate and greater interaction on the page. The idea is to offer even more participatory experiences to users.

Videos dominating search engines

As we discussed previously, the trend in the digital world is increasingly immersive experiences, that is, closer to the interlocutor. Furthermore, in recent years Google has invested considerably in highlighting videos. So, apply this strategy to SEO for developers.

Increasing CTR reduction

With the improvement of the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) there will be a reduction in clicks and users will spend more time on the page finding what they were looking for without having to go to multiple sites. In an extreme case, a strategically placed keyword in SEO for developers provides a CTR below 1%.

Brief Contents

Practicality is taking up even more space in these new times, therefore, producing practical and direct content will contribute to a better ranking of your website. This is because Google is learning to select leaner posts in the top positions in search engines.

Faster indexing speed

In 2021, IndexNow was launched — a protocol that notifies search engines about changes in content for indexing thus reducing costs and optimizing. Therefore, more recently published content is more likely to be ranked.

Understanding the main trends and the main tips on how to effectively SEO for developers is the secret to better rankings and profitability for your company in the digital world. After all, the greater the visibility, the better the conversions!

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