Why a WhatsApp CRM is so essential for SMEs and the self-employed

Why a WhatsApp CRM is so essential for SMEs and the self-employed

The ecosystem of SMEs and the self-employed is very important for the progress of the current economy. However, on this side of the spectrum, there is less support at the level of financing and organization compared to large companies.

Furthermore, those who work under this modality face a powerful enemy: procrastination. This presents a major obstacle to working efficiently.

For this reason, tools that boost productivity, such as WhatsApp CRM, are popular among freelancers and small businesses. Thanks to them it is possible to continue growing to remain stable over time.

How a WhatsApp CRM helps improve productivity

CRMs are programs designed mainly to enhance communication and be able to resolve customer objections more effectively and closely. In that aspect, they facilitate the processes that have to do with providing impeccable customer service and keeping everything well organized.

If you work as a freelancer or run an SME, you should know that the reduced number of team members should be compensated with outstanding productivity. But, without help, it can be quite difficult to achieve.

And this is where CRMs come in. These tools can help you perform better without the need for dozens of employees.

Here are the most beneficial features:

Integrate WhatsApp chat with messages from other communication channels

Having many communication options (WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, email, among others), expands your possibilities of attracting prospects, but also invites you to leave many chats inactive.

And this becomes even more complicated when you work on your own or the customer service staff is very small.

Therefore, WhatsApp CRM unifies these mailboxes so you can make sure you respond to all your clients.

In turn, this allows you to have a better order of conversations with your clients.

Default messages

Some questions and answers are normally going to be repeated a lot within your area. The type of client is usually the same, so they will naturally follow certain patterns.

That said, having a repertoire of previously saved responses allows you to streamline communication.

Thanks to this:

  • You will save time and effort
  • It will have a positive effect on your audience by receiving almost instant answers to their questions

With the CRM you can create various templates with easy-to-recognize shortcuts. And, in the case of SMEs, they can be shared among all employees.

Chatbots to optimize customer service

Generally, there is a time when you cannot keep the chat attended. Therefore, having a chatbot is essential to engage those people who write at a time outside of your customer service.

This will allow you to attract new prospects, even when you are sleeping or busy with other vital matters.

WhatsApp CRM chatbots are very easy to program. In addition, they are not limited to sending a single message, but you can set up entire conversations.

You should also know that this function is available to use in all communication channels that you manage.

Task manager to increase organization

Scheduling tasks is quite positive to improve organization.

In the case of self-employed workers, it is an excellent way to remember important activities, but that you cannot do right away. This way, when the deadline arrives, a pop-up window will appear reminding you of that responsibility.

Meanwhile, for SMEs it works as a communication tool between the project manager and his employees. It is possible to delegate tasks without the need to contact the other via WhatsApp or some other messaging system.

WhatsApp CRM functions that favor marketing

As you can see, a CRM is an infallible ally to improve communication with your clients. But its use is not only limited to this aspect, it can also help you optimize your marketing strategies to attract more customers.

Do you want to know how? Here we leave you the functions that help with that purpose:

Create massive campaigns easily

Messaging campaigns at scale are necessary for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are a freelancer or a large company, this is a requirement of your sales strategy.

But, the best of all, is that you can do it in a matter of seconds.

With this CRM function, you can:

  • Send individual messages
  • Schedule a sequence of messages to hundreds of people
  • Select the recipients. You decide who you want your messages to reach.
  • Send promotions
  • Inform your clients about problems or updates to your work

Pipeline to organize the sales process

Knowing the exposure time that each lead has had to your content is important to determine what action you should take.

For example, in some cases, it is positive to talk to the person to make a sale. Meanwhile, in other scenarios, it’s best to wait for them to have more interaction with your content before you start persuading them.

The use of this tool also reduces the percentage of errors made in decision-making.

Contact Button Customization

Branding is an important aspect when it comes to SME growth or the advancement of a freelancer. It is about strengthening the relationship with the public and creating an image that is easy to remember. That is the logo of your business or any aspect that is related to its identity.

To this end, CRMs allow you to easily customize the contact button for your chat. This is used to modify the typical WhatsApp icon that you see on many web pages.

On the other hand, the use of these buttons represents a shortcut for your clients to communicate with you easily. If there are too many obstacles to contacting you, then your potential clients may go elsewhere.

You can strategically insert it on your website and other pages available with your products or services.


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