Email marketing automation: How to align communication with the consumer?

Email marketing automation: How to align communication with the consumer?

Within a current marketing strategy, email marketing automation makes it possible to increase team productivity, efficiency in contact segmentation, and lead nurturing. In addition, efficient automation allows for a more assertive response from your strategy to contact behavior.

Increasingly common among companies in different sectors, the practice of automating the sending of emails is proving to be an efficient way to improve the results of organizations about different objectives.

According to research, companies that opt ​​for email marketing automation increase lead capture by 80% and conversions by 77%.

Faced with such promising numbers, it’s no wonder that you are increasingly hearing about email marketing automation and its central role in a relationship and conversion strategy.

In this article, our goal is to explain what email marketing automation is, some benefits of the model, and how to do it within your company.

So keep reading and find out why you need to start automating your company’s email sending. 


Email marketing automation: what it is and 3 main uses

As its name suggests, email marketing automation is a practice that aims to allow the automatic sending of emails to company leads.

In practice, this means that sending the material does not depend on an operator clicking on the “send” button.

Following a series of previously created criteria, the email marketing automation tool itself sends material to the right lead, at the right time.

By eliminating manual work from much of the email management process, email marketing automation allows professionals to focus on more strategic and less repetitive actions, such as sending a welcome email every time a new lead converts on a landing page or every time a customer completes a purchase.

Email communication is a very relevant practice for companies, showing a significant ROI of $38 for every $1 invested.

However, to achieve this result much more is needed than sending a message to the contact who has just arrived at your base.

It is necessary to create a relationship, educate the lead, engage the contact, and help them to advance in all stages of the customer journey – or stages of Inbound Marketing – until the purchase, and even after it (maintaining a good relationship in the after-sales ).

For this to happen, efficient communication needs to be created from email marketing.

In this sense, some features associated with email marketing automation are important, including:

  • lead segmentation,
  • Nutrition Flow,
  • Scoring leads to qualification.

 Lead segmentation

Gone are the days when an email marketing strategy was associated with mass communication. 

Whether in an Inbound or Outbound Marketing strategy, it is essential to create communication that is aligned with the person you are talking to and with the stage of the buying journey they are in.

For this, it is essential to collect information about the user still in the form of the landing page in which he was converted, for example.

In addition, the landing page content itself, which attracted the lead, is capable of passing on a lot of information about which related subjects may be of interest to the contact.

Therefore, whenever you are going to create a lead nurturing flow, consider:

  • Who is the contact
  • What are your demands
  • Which offers or content may interest you?

Also consider the relationship he already has with your company and what he has already consumed whether in products, services, or communication materials.

How to do this? Rest assured that all of this will be possible through email marketing software

At this point, keep in mind that you shouldn’t create a single email, or a series of emails, and send them to your entire contact base. Segmentation is a basic step in email marketing automation.


Nutrition Flow

The automation flow can be understood as a sequence of emails that a lead will receive from the company, on a certain subject or based on a certain behavior.

For example, a lead that reached your company’s contact base on a landing page that offered an inventory control worksheet. He may receive, in addition to the email with the material he wanted, a sequence of other emails with related subjects (according to the segmentation mentioned above), with, for example, other rich materials, associated products, tips related to their problems and needs, and more.

However, in addition to this sequence of materials, the email flow also considers lead behavior . For example, if the lead opened the email or not, if the lead clicked on the CTA within the email or not if they interacted with the offer presented, and so on

All of this must be done through email marketing automation, after all, it is not possible to consider doing this manually, for each lead that reaches your company’s contact base.

Therefore, within the email marketing tool, your team must build an automation flow only once and it must “run” automatically, being revised from time to time.



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